How can you help?

Do you want to change the world? You're in the right place! Join us at W4 in empowering girls and women for the benefit of everyone! You can donate to our projects around the world, launch your own team fundraiser, (e-)volunteer your skills and/or spread the word about our work!

How does it work?

Choose one or more projects you care about from our portfolio of projects around the world, make a donation and see the life-changing, even life-saving, impact of your giving!

How does it work?

Create your own uber-cool fundraising team to raise funds for (a) project(s) you care about, then invite your friends/colleagues/family to donate and change the world with you! Multiply the good and multiply your impact!

How do gift cards work?

Offer a friend/colleague/loved one a unique, unforgettable gift with a W4 gift card! When you offer a W4 gift card, the recipient of your gift can choose a project to support from among our many girls' & women's empowerment projects around the world. The recipient of your gift card will receive updates throughout the year about the project, as well as W4 "goodies" relating to the project. So offer a W4 gift card today and spread joy & love!

Anne-Marie Rocco

Anne-Marie Rocco

Anne-Marie Rocco, International Reporter with the French business journal Challenges

"Supporting women is crucial. Given their energy and creativity, women are capable of moving mountains."

 «Supporting women is crucial. Given their energy and creativity, women are capable of moving mountains. However, women need encouragement — to ensure financing for their projects and enterprises, and to help boost their confidence in their own capacity to succeed.»

About Anne-Marie Rocco

Born in Paris in 1954, Anne-Marie Rocco is a senior reporter with the prestigious French business journal Challenges. Anne-Marie graduated from the Institut d’Etudes Politiques (IEP)* in Paris and from the Centre de Formation des Journalistes (CFJ)**. She also holds a Bachelor’s degree in English and a Bachelor’s in business law from the University of Nanterre (Paris X).

Before joining Challenges in 2001, Anne-Marie worked as a journalist with several major French newspapers: Le Nouvel Economiste, La Tribune, Libération, and Le Monde. She is a member of the Association des Journalistes Economiques et Financiers (AJEF)*** and writes regularly on economic, political and international affairs as well as women’s-related affairs on her popular blog “Femmes” (“Women”) on the website. Anne-Marie is the author of several books including: Le Jour où Je n’ai pas pu Aller à l’Ecole (Flammarion, 2013), which she wrote with her daughter, Justine Touchard; Serge Dassault, Armes, Presse, Politique (Flammarion, 2006); L’Incroyable Histoire de George Soros, Milliardaire, Spéculateur et Mécène (Editions Assouline, 1999); and Génération Vendeurs (Interéditions, 1993). She is married and has two children.

*School for political studies.
**School for journalism training .
***Association for economic and financial journalists

My W4 vision:

"W4 offers an innovative approach to humanitarian action: the W4 platform involves donors personally; and helps to build the capacities of women at the grassroots level. This approach is necessary and effective, especially in a globalized world where, despite advances in science and technology, there’s still a long way to go to achieve equality of opportunity on the ground".

Please join me in supporting the Women's WorldWide Web!

Team members

  • Gita


  • Sophie


  • Nicolas


  • montserrat


  • Samba Lagatte


  • Marie Christine


  • Manon


  • ayeb


  • Zohra


  • Christian


  • jean vivien

    South Africa

  • Melanie


  • John

    United States


    Congo, Dem. Republic



  • Alejandra


  • Julie


  • Margaux


  • Sumaidi

    United States

  • Marcellin


  • Rishina

    United States

  • Gaby
